Monday, April 9, 2012

6 years to lifers

So it's been quite the while since a post has gone up. Between a back injury, a cold, and generally being busy, prioritizing is the key. I apologize to anyone who looks forward to these posts - tee heee... bow to the right, bow to the left.
We have been quite the busy bees. Robert is working on a top secret project. Details to possibly be revealed in T-minus 61 days, 21 hours, but who's counting - WE ARE!!! It'll bring a tear to my eyes when it is complete. Robert has done quite the job of making many of my life goals come true and this is one of them. He's quite the clever one and movie story romatic.

Another bridesmaid dress done... love it. And several new projects to get started. I think of it this way: we have 1,485 hours to complete everything. We're doing okay.

Today is our 6th year anniversay of togetherdome, and a short time away from the big day. We were lifers from the start.